The difference between declaring + proclaiming.

Because many of the words I come across in scripture are not used in everyday conversation, there are times when I read it and think I understand what is being said...

However, further investigation of their meaning reveals deeper truths, and plenty of "aha" moments!

Two words that caught my attention this morning as I read were "proclaim" and "declare."

It wouldn't be unusual for me to see or use the word "declare" sometimes, but to say that "proclaim" fits into my vocabulary, other than in a church setting, would simply not be true.

At first glance, these two words seemed very similar to me, but as I began to study them further I realized that they are in fact quite different.

Although, I may not use them in my everyday speech, studying their meaning gave me new insight into moving forward in The Faith.

Both words involve making a statement, but their subtle differences are what sets them apart.

To declare is to give an account or to re-count.

An example in prayer, or testimony, would be to give an account of all God is, or has done. It is like a remembrance list. One can declare things like His faithfulness, goodness, provision, etc.

To proclaim, however, or to make a proclamation, is to call out.

As an act of prayer, it would look like making a statement of what God is going to do. It is calling out in faith what we hope God will do as if it were already set in motion.

Kings and Governors make proclamations of what they are going to do, and once proclaimed, the wheels are set in motion to make those things a reality.

Can you imagine what would happen if we called upon King Jesus in this way?

These two words, and the meaning behind them, are great to put into practice as we seek the Father and ask Him what He wants to do.

When it comes to the nature of God, declarations can be made in remembrance of the proclamations that have come to pass because of His faithfulness.

This keeps our minds focused on things above as we remember that God has always been with us and for us on our journey with Him.

I have heard that nothing happens in the Kingdom of Heaven that doesn’t first start with prayer, and effective prayer starts with declarations of thankfulness followed by proclamations of what God will do.

When we hold fast to God's promises, and proclaim in faith that He will fulfill them, it moves His hand in our lives.

What God has done He can do again.

What He wants to do in your life, and in mine, starts with us proclaiming that it will come to pass.


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