Why enough really IS enough.

One morning, when I had planned to go somewhere, I noticed my gas tank indicated that it could use some attention.

I am sure you have noticed lately that the price of a gallon of gas has risen to, what seems to be, a record high, and as I looked at the pump that day, I had thoughts of how much to get. I knew that what I would get for 75 dollars today was only half of what I could get just a couple of years ago.

This realization caused some frustration to arise within me as I considered my budget against what I needed to purchase. There were the beginnings of negativity and a lack mentality welling up inside me, but in that moment I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of a way to beat these feelings, and perhaps even receive the reality of the increased cost with thankfulness.

When Jesus feeds the 5,000 men, plus women and children, in Matthew 14, He does it with five loaves of bread and two fish.

The story says that when He took what he had, he broke it and blessed it. Some translations even say that He gave thanks. This miracle is fascinating and a big “YEA GOD” moment, but as this story came to mind while I was at the gas pumps, I realized that, although I would not be getting the same amount of fuel for the money spent, I would still be getting enough to do what I needed to do.

So, in that moment I decided to change my mindset from "lack" to "enough." In the miracle in Matthew, not only did they have enough, they had left overs. They had more than enough! I decided that enough really is enough, as the saying goes, which in its original intent from the 1600's meant that having enough was as good as not having need.

It was a conscious decision I had to make, but that decision changed my outlook for the day. Instead of focusing on my lack, I celebrated what I had.

This may be the key to getting through tough times. I may not be able to live the same way as I have been able to in recent years, but in this moment I will be thankful for what I have and how far it will take me. Who knows? There may even be leftovers!

One last thought to share...

The cross was more than enough, not that the cross has power in itself, but that our Lord Jesus who endured the cross had the power to overcome death while in a grave.

This one death was enough to cover all of our sin. The Resurrected One, has resurrected all who believe. We are no longer in need of anything more than what Jesus has already done. We may need to identify where our faith may be lacking, but when it comes to the work of Jesus, enough is enough.




Jesus doesn’t ask us to be rule followers; He asks us to choose life and light.


Fear makes us do strange things.